Fidel Castro and Nicolas Maduro Recall First Visit by Hugo Chavez to Cuba

Fidel Castro and Nicolas Maduro Recall First Visit by Hugo Chavez to CubaFidel Castro received Venezuela´s Nicolas Maduro and both leaders recalled the 19th anniversary of the first visit to Cuba by Hugo Chavez Frias.

The Venezuelan President wrote on his Twitter account that they evoked the figure and ideals of the Bolivarian leader and welcomed the nine years since the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of our Americas was created, according to Radio Havana Cuba.

Maduro recalled that Fidel and Hugo were united by a close friendship forged after their meeting 19 years ago, when the young Venezuelan leader was invited to give a lecture on the 200th Bolivarian Revolutionary Movement, which he then headed.

Maduro presented Fidel with the literary works of General Oleary on Liberator Simon Bolivar and said “I traveled to Cuba and visited Fidel on the occasion of the 19th anniversary of the historic meeting between him and Chavez and the 9th anniversary of the Bolivarian Alliance.